Monday, September 16, 2013

Important Safety tips for Girls in Dangerous situations

Now a days, We have been brought to the notice of many worst attacks on the Girls of my nation. I often feel ashamed of the action of those culture less barbarians. Most of the girls and their families are now having the insecurity feeling while going out. In some places, even some families fear to send the women out of the house alone. This is definitely not a good sign for the development of the one of the biggest democratic country like India. So, I came up with this article which features some precautionary and safety measures to all the Girls of my nation to be safe from some barbaric people who bring bad name to the whole nation. Though these may not help all the girls, but even if it helps one girl to get saved, then the purpose of my article was fulfilled.  

Now I will take some common circumstances where girls should be careful and what they should do at those situation.

1. When some strangers follow you, when you are going alone in the road at late night.

 The best way to save in those situation is try to enter an ATM.  Every ATM will have a security guard, even though there was no security, ATMs are under 24 hours coverage of Close Circuit cameras. So fearing identification, nobody will dare to attack you .

2. When you have to go by lift in a high building, with a stranger accompanying you.

There may be danger that the stranger will attack you. the best thing to do in that case is Press the buttons of all the floors in between the floor you have to reach". I think no person will dare to attack you if the lift opens at every floor.

3. When you hire a taxi or auto at night.

The first thing  to do is "Note down the registration number" of the auto or taxi. While travelling, Call some one or just pretend that you have called some one and Say them the details of the vehicle in the language that the driver knows. Then driver will get to know that, if any thing happens, he will be in trouble. Hence he will not try to attack you.

4. When you notice that the taxi is going in the wrong route

If you notice that the auto or taxi is not going in the direction or route of your destination, then take a cloth or your dupatta, wrap it around his neck and pull it hardly against the driver seat. With in few seconds, he will feel suffocated and lose his energy to attack you. It gives you the chance to escape. If you dont have that cloth, then pull him back holding his shirt , his top button of the shirt will do the same action as the cloth does.

5. When an Intruder enters your house when you are alone.

This is one of the most frequent and dangerous situations a woman will be facing. If any intruder or strangers enters your house and is ready to attack on you. Then try to run into your kitchen. If girls want, they can turn kitchen into a war field where the weapons are only known to them. They only know where the knifes, forks,  Chilli powder and turmeric are there. Those can be converted in to very dangerous weapons. Use them and escape from him. If they are not available, try to through all the vessels at the intruder and try to shout as loud as possible. Vessels will make a heavy noise and your shouts will make the neighbours know that you are in danger so that they will come to your rescue.

Some common Suggestion for Girls

1. Use Prepaid Taxi if available.

When you went to a new place at night by train or a Flight. In many cities there is a facility of Prepaid taxi or auto available at Railway stations, Airports and Bus stands. There you should give the money in advance at the counter and the they will allot the taxi. They will note down the taxi number with them, Thus the taxi driver will not try to attack you as his name was registered there.

2. Use Technology effectively

When you went to a new place, use the modern technology more effectively. Use the Google maps and GPS system features effectively to know whether you are going in a correct route or not. You can also notice that you are in danger, if some taxi driver is misleading you. So use them effectively.

3. Always activate Speed dial in your mobile phone.

Almost all the mobile phones have speed dial facility. If you hold a number for a while, automatically a call will go to the number you have saved in the speed dial. If you are in a sudden danger, then this feature will help as it needs very less time. You can speed dial to your dear ones and then try to shout, so that the other person may realize that you are in danger and have chance to help you.

4. Have some safety items in your hand bag

Always have some safety items in your hand bag. The best weapon to have in the purse is Chilli powder or a Pepper gas in your handbag. You can use it in some extreme cases of danger. Also be careful that those should not go into the hands of the attacker, as he may use them on you.

5. Noise is the best enemy of the attacker

If you are in danger, always try to make as much as noise as possible. That noise will alert the neighbours around you that You are in danger. Intruder always fear of being recognised, so he will ran away out of fear.

Always be alert when you are alone and if you dont have any of above cases, try to fight as much as you can , you will definitely get the chance to escape and being saved.

Some of the above tips are taken from some posts in facebook and some are added by me but the intension of these to help the girls of my nation.  So as a part of your responsibility to make this article to reach all the Girls in India.. Share it to all the girls.

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