Saturday, March 8, 2014

How to check BSNL Broadband Data Usage

Some of you might be in a fix that you are having BSNL broadband, but dont know how to check your broadband data usage. There are many methods to check BSNL broadband usage, Here i am suggesting you some of the methods.

1. Find BSNL broadband usage via BSNL Portal :-
  • Go to BSNL Portal
  • Enter you User Name and Password at the top left of sidebar, then click on Login. Note that this portal works only for the user having IP addresses of type 5x.xx.xx.xx. Users with IP addresses of  type 117.xx.xx.xx shall go on link  and login  with your Portal User ID and Password. Portal ID can be obtained from BSNL customer care or by calling the Toll free number can check your IP address by clicking Start -> Run and type cmd . then press Ok. Press ipconfig and then Enter. your IP address will be shown. 
  •  Once you login, you will see some links in sidebar. Click on "Service Records" link.
  • You can choose to view the usage statistics for any month. Then, select the service and Domain for which you want to check the usage.You may also choose to view the usage statistics for “All Services” and “All domains”. After making the selection, Click the “Ok” button. 
  • You will then be shown the complete usage statistics including Total Send Volume(GB), Total Receive Volume(GB), Total Volume (GB), Total Duration(hour), Sum Traffic Excluding Night Unlimited(GB). BSNL also gives separate usage statistics for every single day and for every service that you make use of.

2. Firefox add-in to check BSNL Usage :-

There is even a firefox add-on to check bsnl broadband usage. Download and install the Datafox firefox add-on on your firefox browser.

After installing the firefox add-on, restart Firefox, and click on its status bar icon to enter your BSNL username and password. Then click on the “Login” button. You will then be able to Check BSNL Dataone Broadband usage by mousing over the cursor on top of the status bar icon.

3. Except them there are many free automated tools or utilities on internet to check BSNL broadband usage like Shaplus, Broadband Usage, Bandwidth Usage Monitor, MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics. Just download them and follow instructions. But personally i wont suggest these tools due to less reliability.  

comments for more help.......

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